Sunday, June 01, 2008


34,500 volts.  Don't let your fingers wander!  This is a DWP vault below downtown Los Angeles.  This powers at least one entire office building.

BTW, the security to get into one of these is stifling.  This is part of The Grid.  You must be escorted at all times.  The switches you are looking at are behind yet another locked cage (after you get through the armored vault door).  Can you imagine the havoc you could cause, throwing that big switch?  At least one entire office building would shut down and evacuate, and the ripple would be felt on the stock exchange.  Seriously.

Luckily, I am an upright citizen, and can get by a background check in order to bring this photo to you :-)

Sometimes, my job is interesting.  Hmmm... I'll have to dig up a coupla pics of some AT&T vaults I've been in.  



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